Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

How to Prepare for FSVP Inspections

What needs to be done to be FSVP Compliant When you are working to be FSVP Compliant, you need to follow these three steps. 1) You need to talk to


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

How to Enforce FSVP with your Exporters

Personally Inspecting the Food Products No matter where the products come from, two steps must be followed every time: First, the Importer must assume the role of an FSV, next


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

What happens to Decommissioned Container ships?

How are Container Ships Commissioned? Ships are commissioned for work after they have been rigorously tested and inspected. This can be anything from warships being dubbed battle ready or cargo


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

Importing Medical Devices

Why does it matter? There are two important points to know about when importing medical devices. First, medical devices must comply with every standard of normal importation except you must


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

A Retrospective on the Panama Canal

The Recent Article There was an article recently that showcased the Chief of the Panama Canal reflecting on the previous year after the expansion. Of the points he spoke about,


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

Everything you need to know about Amazon

The Beginning Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in 1994 because he regretted not investing in the Internet Business boom. Before it was Amazon it was known as Cadabra and Relentless both


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

Automated Shipping and the future of Imports/Exports

The Upside of Automated Shipping A.I. is beneficial to the trade of international shipping. The primary competitor for A.I. is people, and they are more error prone. Where a human


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

NAFTA isn’t going Anywhere

Why is NAFTA under Attack Right Now? Since his entry to the administration, the president has admonished NAFTA extensively. Through this period, there has been talks of reworking NAFTA and


Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

Why do Container Ships Collide with Warships

The USS Fitzgerald and USS John S McCain. Within two months of each other, the USS Fitzgerald and the USS John S. Mccain had collided with cargo ships. The Fitzgerald,