Customs Broker, Customs Broker Miami

How to Enforce FSVP with your Exporters

import containership with cargo that follows fsvp enforcement
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Personally Inspecting the Food Products

enforce fsvp with exportersNo matter where the products come from, two steps must be followed every time: First, the Importer must assume the role of an FSV, next they must follow the ACE system.

The Role of an FSV – The role of an FSV simply means that you are following the protocols of a Food Safety Verifier. Since you maintain a warehouse that is FSVP compliant, you must now take the standards that you have passed and assert it onto the food products being brought in.

The ACE System – Automated Commercial Environment is the official system through which the trade community reports imports and exports. Once you have inspected the products, you must log one of three codes for the products: FSV, FNX, or RNE.

If the products are compliant, you will mark them FSV*. The products will continue through their import process and be distributed as such.

What happens if the Products are not FSVP compliant

There are two classifications to follow through once food products are not considered compliant, they are either dubbed FSX or sent to RNE.

CarrierFSVP Exempt (FSX) – Food products that are dubbed FSX do not necessarily need to follow the FSVP guidelines. These can be anything from foods that aren’t held to the same standards, to food that is held to higher standards. For example, Cans are sealed and presumably boxed and withheld, with the exemption of damaged goods, canned foods are by default FSVP compliant and would be parsed through a different branch of FSMA for further inspection.

Research and Evaluation (RNE) – Additionally, if something is not completely FSVP compliant, they could be passed to RNE or Research and Evaluation. When this happens, they inspect whether or not the food is still passable and able to be distributed for healthy ingestion. Depending on how the food is processed, it could be sent back, or it could be distributed under a limited exemption.

Read more about the FSVP guidelines here:


A1WWL takes being FSVP compliant very seriously. As part of the Food Safety Modernization Act, there is a lot of information to go through, and we hope that this guide has helped you understand the ins and outs of the FSVP process. IF you would like to learn more about FSVP or how we can help you pass your products through customs easier, please give us a call today!

Special Notes

* – When FSV entities are transmitted to ACE, the following data is required:
• DUNS Number
• Firm Name
• Firm Address
• Entity Role of FSV
• Email Address

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