Customs Broker, Freight Forwarding, Import and Export Experts, Shipping Logistics

Envío internacional de carga sobredimensionada

¿Te has preguntado cómo se manejan las cargas sobredimensionadas en el envío internacional? 🚛🌍 En nuestro último artículo, exploramos los desafíos únicos que enfrentan las industrias de construcción, fabricación y minería, y cómo el transporte marítimo se convierte en la solución ideal para llevar estas grandes cargas a su destino. ¡Descubre todos los detalles y aprende sobre las diferentes opciones de envío! Haz clic en el enlace de nuestra bio para leer el artículo completo. 📦✨ #Logística #TransporteMarítimo #CargaSobredimensionada


Customs Clearance, Freight Forwarding, Import and Export Experts

¿Hacer envíos aéreos o marítimos?

Si estás iniciándote en el mundo del comercio internacional y te preguntas si deberías elegir el transporte aéreo o marítimo para tus envíos, ¡estás en el lugar adecuado! Entender las diferencias entre estos métodos puede marcar la diferencia entre una operación fluida y costosas complicaciones. En nuestro último artículo, desglosamos las ventajas y desventajas de cada opción para ayudarte a tomar decisiones informadas y evitar errores comunes. No te lo pierdas, ¡visita el enlace en nuestra biografía para descubrir todo lo que necesitas saber y optimiza tu cadena de suministro hoy mismo! 🚀🌍📦


3PL, Import and Export Experts, Supply Chain

Choosing A Good 3PL

One of the most important considerations an individual or company can make is choosing a good 3PL. A 3PL (Third-Party Logistics) company is a service provider that handles numerous parts of a business’s supply chain.


3PL, Import and Export Experts, Shipping Logistics

Envío de barcos internacionalmente

  Aunque cada vez es más común, enviar barcos internacionalmente puede ser complicado, especialmente para los remitentes inexpertos. Los diferentes tamaños, regulaciones y documentación requeridas pueden confundir incluso a personas


Import and Export Experts, Shipping Logistics, Supply Chain

Relaciones con los Clientes en el Transporte de Carga

  En el comercio internacional, los agentes de carga son los intermediarios que se encargan de la logística para llevar la mercancía al destino final. Asimismo, los agentes coordinan con


Air Freight, Import and Export Experts, Shipping Logistics

Shipping Perishables By Air

In international transport, perishables are any shipment that can damage or spoil after a specific time.


Freight Forwarding, Import and Export Experts, Shipping Logistics, Supply Chain

West Coast Ports Disruptions Persist

The disruptions continued in the Port of Seattle with the shutdown of the entire seaport on June 10th. On June 9th, the second and third shifts experienced massive slowdowns as ILWU officials led operations to a pause. The Port Authority responded by sending the workers home; insufficient workers led to closure the next day. This port is one of the biggest movers of grain and produce in the U.S. Shipments from U.S. exporters are currently idle at the docks, with the ILWU declining to dispatch terminal workers. The ILWU made a contradictory statement: that the Port of Seattle and other ports are operating.


Freight Forwarding, Import and Export Experts, Supply Chain, Transportation

Union Worker Action Close West Coast Ports

Several ports across the West Coast closed abruptly due to union workers walking off the job. The Port of Oakland experienced a closure on both the TraPac and its largest, the SSA terminal. The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach similarly had terminal shutdowns due to insufficient labor. Negotiations between the PMA and the ILWU have reached a boiling point. To show their frustrations over insufficient wage talks, ILWU workers have gone on strike, affecting port operations.


Freight Forwarding, Import and Export Experts, Shipping Logistics

The Transition to Electronic Shipping

Paperless shipping has recently surged in popularity, and many top carriers have followed the trend. Nine of the largest ocean carrier companies have even committed to a fully electronic bill of lading by 2030. The bill of lading, or BL, is traditionally a document that a carrier issues on physical paper. A completely 100% electronic BL is a milestone in shipping and can lead to a fully digital supply chain in the future.


Freight Forwarding, Import and Export Experts

Grain Exports During Record Low Water Levels

The Mississippi river has reached its lowest water levels in over a decade due to a drought. One of the most significant consequences is felt in grain exports. This is because over half of the grains exported from the U.S. flows through the river.