Order Fulfillment, Shipping Logistics, Supply Chain, Warehousing

Direct And 3PL Fulfillment

Direct and 3PL fulfillment services have different advantages for your supply chain.
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As e-commerce has surged over the last few decades, so has direct and 3PL fulfillment. Direct fulfillment is when a business sells product packs and ships the goods directly to the customer. Often known as DTC or D2C, this is typically when a company has its online shop and warehouse. Direct fulfillment is the last part of a DTC supply chain. The 3PL (Third Party Logistics) Fulfillment is when a middleman handles the inventory management and shipping. An example is Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where Amazon handles the order processing, storing, and delivery of the orders. Both models have pros and cons when warehousing and moving the products to the customer.

What Are The Differences Between Direct And 3PL Fulfillment?

While Direct and 3PL are both models of customer fulfillment, the main difference is the process. The operation begins before the customer orders and starts at the company’s warehouse for direct fulfillment. This can include workers labeling, storing, and preparing the products for shipping. When the customer orders, the website sends the information to the warehouse, where the packing and picking begins. When ready, a truck or courier typically ships the freight to the final location. In 3PL models, once the client places an order on the e-commerce site, the info goes to a warehouse that a third-party company owns.

Unlike 3PL, direct fulfillment services do not have a middleman and are responsible for the entire supply chain. As online shopping rose in popularity, direct fulfillment became valuable to customers who wanted their products shipped directly. The coronavirus pandemic further grew this trend since driving to brick-and-mortar stores declined during that period. A company’s newness can also determine its model for storing and shipping cargo. E-commerce businesses typically start with their own DTC supply chain, but it becomes more challenging as a company grows. When monthly orders reach a certain amount, companies invest in more warehouse space or outsource operations to a 3PL provider.

Using A 3PL For Fulfillment

The main reason shippers and sellers use 3PL services is because of the numerous advantages this type of fulfillment has. Along with growing companies, this is ideal for smaller businesses or beginner importers if there is insufficient capital. You save money by not having to operate your fulfillment center and outing the shipping process. A 3PL specializing in warehousing and fulfillment may also have the technology to offer more solutions than smaller companies. Examples include quicker delivery, return processing, tracking and management resources, and greater room for scalability. International and domestic shippers can benefit from having a supply chain with more excellent warehouse capabilities.

Customs Bonded Warehouse

When cargo enters the U.S., it is subject to various duties and taxes. A common way that importers avoid these charges is by using a customs-bonded warehouse. Bonded warehouses allow the storing of cargo for up to 5 years without payment of duties from the import date. This will enable shippers to save money while they look for customers. Goods can also be re-exported without taxes if there are no buyers for the shipments. Reach A1 Worldwide Logistics at 305-821-8995 or info@a1wwl.com to learn more about our bonded facility. Along with storage, we have distribution, segregation, manipulation, packing, crating, and more services to streamline your supply chain.

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