Customs Broker, Freight Forwarding

Truck Orders Skyrocket in Response to Increasing Freight Need

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Trucking has recently seen a massive escalation in demand in the last couple of months. The market for trucks is growing at a faster pace than they can be produced. A hiring necessity and surge in truckers go hand in hand with trucks themselves. With the market staying red-hot these days, companies like A1 Worldwide Logistics need to be ready to perform behind-the-scenes work with their cutting-edge tech and ever-growing innovation.

Technology is to Blame

customs brokerThe ease of ordering whatever products you want online is the reasoning for this recent rise. We’ve come so far in technological developments that we can have our groceries delivered to our doors in the early morning with fresh produce, meats, and non-perishables. At A1 Worldwide Logistics, we’ve already submerged ourselves into the comprehension that cryptocurrency like blockchain and self-piloting ships are the inevitable future.

Consumers are continually purchasing goods that in return, require more and more transportation to deliver them all. Truckers have been receiving about 40,000 orders within the last six months; the most significant stride the industry has ever seen. Everything in this industry is connected, and it all begins with retail.

Economy is Boosting

Retailers stock up on all their goods for when orders come through. Factories speed up production to not fall behind with their retailers. Shipping companies get unlimited calls to get the products out the door and on the road. Trucking companies need to have their 18-wheelers readily available to roll out when the shippers sound. All the steps must flow at a gradually climbing pace to avoid an implosion.

Throughout that whole process, earnings are soaring from companies seeing millions in net profit compared to the previous fiscal year. Since April, the trucking industry has seen a 9.5% increase in the quantity of freight hauled in comparison to 2017. Companies are now capable of investing in themselves to buy more trucks in preparation for the shipment.

A1 Worldwide Logisticustoms brokercs

Our goal is to stay ahead of the game on every front from beginning to end. We’re ready for the next big thing to be thrown our way because we’ve seen it all after years of experience in this industry. A1 Worldwide Logistics is continuously expanding on the way we do things with our extensive knowledge in international shipping and sharpening the logistics so you can about your business without a hitch.

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